Generic Drug

This product, often referred to as an “equivalent drug,” is a medication that is identical both in composition and active ingredient to branded products, thus maintaining the same safety and efficacy.

This category is also guaranteed by the Ministry of Health and the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), and each generic drug has its own authorization code for market release (AIC).

When an equivalent drug is created and marketed, it relies on a large amount of scientific data obtained from numerous studies (known as bioequivalence studies) aimed at certifying the same efficacy as its branded “twin.” However, the branded product no longer holds exclusivity in the market as its patent has expired.

The adoption of this type of medication by millions of people worldwide is made possible by three very important principles:

  1. Price: Without the brand, the product’s price drops significantly, making it more affordable;
  2. Quality: The rigorous studies required to market the drug guarantee its quality and tolerability;
  3. Availability: The ability to purchase generics from multiple manufacturers makes it easier to find the remedy one needs.

Specialized areas

Cura della persona

Personal care

Comfort, care, and hygiene: these are the fundamental principles behind products designed for bedridden elderly individuals.

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