
Nutrition is necessary for maintaining the health of young and old, especially in the medical field where deficiencies due to different types of diseases are often addressed.

Malnutrition, for example, is a well-known problem in people of advanced age, as lack of appetite or difficulty in chewing and swallowing leads to eating less than the body needs or even giving up meals altogether.

For this reason, there are multiple products available on the market in easily ingestible formats, enriched with nutrients that help maintain caloric intake even in small doses: it is even possible to find real complete menus, from first course to dessert!

When it is not possible to take substances orally, fortunately, it is possible to resort to enteral nutrition, which allows feeding via naso-gastric or gastrostomy probes.

Sunrise is the ideal solution for facilities and hospitals that need food and nutrients that can meet the nutritional needs of patients efficiently and safely, without sacrificing taste.

It offers the best solutions from popular brands such as Nutricia and Nutrisens: gelled waters, thickeners, low-calorie drinks, dysphagia creams, and more.


Specialized areas

Cura della persona

Personal care

Comfort, care, and hygiene: these are the fundamental principles behind products designed for bedridden elderly individuals.

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