Wound care

Wound care, or the management of skin lesions, is a discipline focused on the treatment and healing of skin injuries.

The treatment of wounds follows a pathway that begins with Wound Bed Preparation1

and extends to Wound Hygiene2, a four-phase process: cleansing, removal of non-viable tissue, reactivation of wound edges, and selection of an appropriate dressing to promote tissue regeneration while managing bacterial load and biofilm. There are various types of wounds, from acute (such as cuts or burns) to chronic (such as vascular ulcers or bedsores), each requiring specific approaches.

The use of advanced dressings, such as hydrocolloids, hydrofibers, hydrogels, antimicrobial and antibiofilm dressings, and polyurethane foams, is often crucial to improving the healing process, reducing pain, preventing infection, and accelerating wound resolution. Additionally, constant monitoring of the wound’s condition and adapting the treatment are essential to ensure effective healing. Wound care is a continuously evolving field, with new technologies and innovative treatments capable of enhancing patients’ quality of life.

Advanced dressings have recently been classified based on their function to address the diverse needs of wounds3Re-epithelializing/Eudermic DressingsGranulation-Promoting DressingsDebridement Dressings, and Antimicrobial Dressings. This classification allows for the selection of the most suitable dressing type based on the specific characteristics of the wound, optimizing treatment and the healing process.


  1. Wound Bed Preparation 2021; R. Gary Sibbald et al. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2021 Apr 1;34(4):183-195. doi:10.1097/01.ASW.0000733724.87630.d6.
  2. Implementation of Wound Hygiene in clinical practice: early use of an antibiofilm strategy promotes positive patient outcomes; Murphy C, Mrozikiewicz-Rakowska B, Kuberka I et al. J Wound Care 2022;31(Suppl 1):S1 –S32.  https://doi.org/10.12968/jowc.2022.31.Sup1.S1
  3. Functional classification of wound dressings; Greco A., Mastronicola D., Magnoni C.; Acta Vulnologica 2014 September;12(3):143-52.

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Personal care

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